DevSecOps Training

The modern turn of companies towards integrating future technical progressions & fostering the cultural shift has expedited them to be more vulnerable. With organizations regularly executing their operations with DevOps, security has become vital. This is where DevSecOps comes into the picture it facilitates the demanded transformation by boosting productivity while minimizing the risks. It instills the security right from the beginning at the SDLC process with an ultimate goal of optimizing cost and productivity of a business. This course provides you the skill as to how to use data to integrate security programs into the DevOps, in order to make organizations and customers stable.

Why DevSecOps?

Enterprises these days are looking for unconventional approaches to offer unparalleled services to their respective clients. DevSecOps differ from other conventional security services, the participants will be familiarized in this course about such differences. Some of the key highlights of DevSecOps are:

  • DevSecOps is an extension to the DevOps team to handle security.
  • Early detection and rectification of security bugs at SDLC stage.
  • Access and narrow down the possible threats & attack surface.
  • It is a fundamental segment that has immense potential if centralized properly, for integrating into the existing system.

Content Outline

  • Concepts & Principles of DevSecOps; benefits; application; different phases and stages
  • Hardships faced throughout the implementation
  • Security System: Pre-Commit hooks, IDE plugins, etc
  • Data & Security Sciences Application: OS Security, docker/k8s image security; Container orchestration security
  • Analyzing the Software make-up to extract out the insecurity possibilities and components
  • SAST – Static Application Security Testing
  • DAST – Dynamic Application Security Testing with the use of tools such as ZAP and Archini
  • Tracking and managing the vulnerability
  • Security as code
  • Automating security in the existing CI/CD pipeline
  • Follow-up steps

Security Tools

Course Inclusions

This course is specially designed to instill DevSecOps skills with the help of hands-on experience. The course material is resourceful, it includes the real-life case-studies so as to understand what went wrong and how it can be monitored and improved. The inclusion of this course are:

Course material

  • E-books and study material
  • Open source for installation
  • Certificate (Optional)


Since the course and discussion move around the DevOps and its modifications, implementation, etc. the participants are advised to clear out the principals and concepts of DevOps beforehand. Knowledge of DevOps working environment and practical application of the same will be a plus.

Suitable Participants

We don’t differentiate between a professional and an enthusiast, regardless of your experience or you being a newbie, it will help all. The training can be attended by all, DevOps engineer, compliance teams, security staff, developers, and testers, etc. In a nutshell, all those who want to know and implement security in their DevOps system can attend.

Duration of the course

1 month (Monday-Friday)


Passion to learn and work

Personal Laptop with Minimum 4GB Ram

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DevSecOps Training

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Do not miss out on this opportunity, go grab a seat for yourself and unlock your true potential to secure a position in the company.

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