Role of Quantum Computing in Cybersecurity

quantum computing

Quantum Computing in Cybersecurity The continual expansion and interconnections of the digital world have made cybersecurity an increasingly critical concern for everyone from individuals to corporations to nation-states. The arrival of quantum computing, however, is poised to radically alter today’s cybersecurity landscape. This detailed guide goes into quantum computing’s crucial impact on, and contradiction to, […]

Non Technical Cyber Security Jobs In India In 2024

Cyber Security Jobs

Non-Technical Cyber Security Jobs & Its Importance There are many jobs in the cyber security discipline that contribute to an organization’s general security posture. There are non-technical jobs that are just as significant in identifying vulnerabilities, installing or implementing protective measures against any attacks, and addressing such incidents. In order to identify trends and abnormalities […]

Interview Questions on Security Concept


Here we are going to discuss some of the main Interview Questions on Cyber Security.  1. What is CIA?  Confidentiality-This means only authorized people can access data. Integrity- ensuring the data is not modifies. Availability- the data is available to its users.    2. What is Encryption? Explain types of encryption. It is the process […]

Top Interview Questions on Cyber-attacks


 Today we are going to see top 16 interview questions on cyber attack.  Following are frequently asked questions in interviews for freshers as well as experienced cyber security certification candidates. 1. What is SQL injection? SQL Injection is a vulnerability base on a code system that allows an attacker to read and access sensitive data from the database. Attackers can detour […]

Why Cybersecurity a good career choice in India?

Why Cybersecurity a Good Career Choice in India? If you want to start your career in cybersecurity, don’t wait. Cybersecurity Professions will help you step up your career path and stand out to potential employers.  The information has become one of the most valued assets of an organization with its security being most critical. In […]