What is theHarvester?

A step by step guide on - What is theharvestor? | How to install and run it? | Get hands-on How to use it?

The Harvester is a tool that was developed in python. Using this you can gather information like emails, subdomains, hosts, employee names, open ports and banners from different public sources like search engines, PGP key servers, and SHODAN computer database.

This tool is useful for anyone like you who needs to know what an attacker can see about the organization.

How to install it?

This is a by default tool in kali linux. So you just need to update the harvester tool.

For confirmation open terminal and type ‘theharvester’ and verify it. If  you see ‘command not found’ error raised continue to the installation process. Else skip the installation process.


In terminal type:

            sudo apt-get theharvester

If it doesn’t work you can try to clone it directly from git using the following commands

            git clone https://github.com/laramies/theHarvester.git
            cd theHarvester
            sudo python ./theHarvester.py


use the following command to upgrade the harvester

  sudo apt-get upgrade theharvester

How to use this harvester tool ?

  theharvester -d [domain name] -b [search engine name / all ][options] [parameters]


  • -d: Domain to search or company name.
  • -b: Data source: baidu, bing, bingapi, dogpile, google, googleCSE, googleplus, google-profiles, linkedin, pgp, twitter, vhost, yahoo, all.
  • -s: Start in result number X (default: 0).
  • -v: Verify hostname via DNS resolution and also search for virtual hosts.
  • -f: Save the results into an HTML and XML file (both).
  • -n: Perform DNS reverse query on all ranges discovered.
  • -c: Perform DNS brute force for the domain name.
  • -t: Perform DNS TLD expansion discovery.
  • -e: Use this DNS server.
  • -l: Limit the number of results to work with (bing goes from 20 to 20 results, google 100 to 100, and pgp doesn’t use this option).
  • -h: Use SHODAN database to query discovered hosts.


  • To list available options
  • To search emails
        theHarvester.py -d wonderhowto.com -b all
  • To search emails with a limit
        theHarvester.py -d wonderhowto.com -b all -l 200
  • To save the result into an html file
        theharvester -d microsoft.com -b all -h myresults.html
  •  To search in PGP(Pretty Good Privacy) only
        theharvester -d microsoft.com -b pgp     


I hope you have learned A step by step guide on – What is theharveste? | How to install and run it? | get hands-on How to use it?

If you still have some doubt’s feel free to comment below.


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