Top 10 most popular hacking tools for beginners|2021

This article is going to give you a list of good hacking tools, all the tools are going to help you alot if you are just starting you cybersecurity career

In this article, we are going to see some of the most popular Hacking tools for penetration testing or cybersecurity.

If you have started your journey in the field of cybersecurity, you must have heard about some famous hacking tool like-.

  1. Metasploit
  2. Nmap
  3. Burp suite
  4. etc

But you must have already read about them in many blogs and used them. So, in this article we are not going to talk about those tools. This article is about some of tools that most of the beginners don’t know and believe me they mist know about these tool.

So, enough of building background, Let’s start the list.

1. Wappalyzer

We are going to start the list with the wappalyzer.

Wappalyzer is not like other terminal or GUI hacking tool, it’s a browser extension for chrome and firefox and you can install it for any browser even in android.

Wappalyzer is a technology profiler that shows you what websites are built with.

Find out what CMS a website is using, as well as any framework, eCommerce platform, JavaScript libraries, and many more. Wappalyzer is more than a CMS detector or framework detector: it uncovers more than a thousand technologies in dozens of categories such as programming languages, analytics, marketing tools, payment processors, CRM, CDN, and others.

2. Cain & Abel

Originally Cain & Abel is the password recovery tool for windows. It recovers many types of passwords and it’s loaded with tons of features like-.

Cain & Abel is a useful tool for security consultants, professional penetration testers, and everyone else who plans to use it for ethical reasons.

3. Cyberchef

The Cyber Swiss Army Knife.

Cyberchef is a browser based tool for most of the “cyber” operation. These operations include simple encoding like XOR or Base64, more complex encryption like AES, DES and Blowfish, creating binary and hexdumps, compression and decompression of data, calculating hashes and checksums, IPv6 and X.509 parsing, changing character encodings, and much more.

You can do all sorts of forensics work from cyberchef too. Analyzing images, extracting metadata, changing colors bits and all sorts of thing.

Cyberchef really works like Swiss Army Knife, also very easy to use.

4. Pydictor

If you are in cybersecurity field you have learned about the term bruteforce.

Bruteforce means to trying different credentials until the system or account gets unlocked. Basically it’s just mean forcing you way into account.

But the basic component of bruteforce is wordlist. There are lots of wordlist out there to test on different web application and most of them will work too. But they will not work specifically for any social media account.

So now what, Here comes the role of pydictor.

Pydictor Helps you to build a dictionary or a word list with words and names you give to it. Pydictor creates every possible combination of the word given to it.

5. Browserleak

Browserleak is browser based tool which will give you all the information your browser may leak about you.

Information/leak like -.

  1. IP address
  2. Javascript
  3. Web RTC leak
  4. Canvas Fingerprinting
  5. Font Fingerprinting
  6. Geolocation API
  7. and many more things…

6. Wayback Machine

Wayback machine hacking tools

The Wayback Machine is a digital archive of the World Wide Web, founded by the Internet Archive, a nonprofit library based in San Francisco.[3] It allows the user to go “back in time” and see what websites looked like in the past.

Since its launch in 1996, over 531 billion pages have been added to the archive.

7. Maltego

Maltego Hacking tools

Maltego is software used for open-source intelligence and forensics.

 It is a platform that was designed to deliver an overall cyber threat picture to the enterprise or local environment in which an organization operates.

The reason Maltego is very popular and widely used is not just its cool features but also its data representation. It has a different set of views such as the main view, bubble view, an entity view.


Every Beginner or Pros in cybersecurity knows about OSINT .

OSINT(open source intelligence) is a information about target that we can collect from open and free source.

But there are beginners who don’t know how to start collecting information with OSINT. Here comes the role of this Web Application.

OSINT framework focused on gathering information from free tools or resources. The intention is to help people find free OSINT resources.

There is a lot of things to explore in this website.

osint hacking tools


Owasp zap hacking tools
  • An easy-to-use web application penetration testing tool.
  • One of the world’s most popular free web application security tools.
  • Completely free and open-source (no paid or pro versions).
  • Included in major distributions like Kali, Backtrack, etc.
  • Ideal For Beginners, developers
  • You can use ZAP as a Debugger.
  • Manual Penetration Testing.
  • Automated security scans.

10. theHarvester

The Harvester is a tool that was developed in python. Using this you can gather information like emails, subdomains, hosts, employee names, open ports and banners from different public sources like search engines, PGP key servers, and SHODAN computer database.

This tool is useful for anyone like you who needs to know what an attacker can see about the organization.

Checkout the blog on theHarvester.

That’s the List of the top 10 tools a beginner should know how to use in addition to those really popular tools like Metasploit and Nmap.

There are lots and lots of hacking tools which we can use here and can be added to this list. we will make sure that we add all the hacking tools to all the upcoming lists

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Certified Security Engineer Professional (CSEP) certification is a comprehensive program designed for individuals aspiring to become cybersecurity engineers. It equips candidates with hands-on knowledge across various in-demand cybersecurity domains, ensuring they are well-prepared for current and future industry needs.

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