Data privacy vs Data security


When it comes to data security and data privacy, these terms are often exchanged. Whether these are synonyms, closely connected with each other, or do have some differences,? Let’s clear this up in this post.  Firms that manage and collect their data need protection and security in a timely manner. So what are privacy and security?

Privacy vs Security

Privacy takes place when 5 W’s and 1 H come into question. That means about WHAT, WHERE, WHY, WHO, WHEN, and HOW data is being protected. Security is to protect data from malicious, fraudulent, and unauthorized attacks.  Privacy is to take a duty to secure data, while security is to help it from a third source.

What is data privacy?

Data privacy is an area of protection that deals with handling confidential, personal, and sensitive data. Security is an important element in protecting the data from external and internal threats. Data privacy means the ability of a person to decide for themselves when and how, to share personal information like name, location, contact information, etc.

Importance of Data Privacy

Data protection is important since it protects the information of an organization from fraudulent activities, hacking, phishing, and identity theft. Any organization that wants to work effectively needs to ensure the safety of their information by implementing a data protection plan

What is data security?

Data protection is the practice of protecting digital information from unauthorized access, corruption, or theft throughout your life cycle. It is a concept that encompasses every aspect of information security, from the physical security of computer systems and storage devices to management and access controls, as well as the logical security of software applications. Includes organizational policies and procedures.

Types of data security

Using an algorithm to convert standard text characters into readable formats, encryption keys mix data so that only authorized users can read it. File encryption and website solutions serve as the last line of defense to protect critical volumes by encrypting their content or making tokens. Many solutions include security key management skills.

Data deletion
Highly more secure than regular data erasers, data erasers use software to overwrite data on any storage device. Ensures that data is not recoverable.

Hiding data
By encrypting data, organizations can allow teams to build applications or train people using real data. It hides personal identification information (PII) where it is necessary for development to take place in compliant areas.

Data Privacy vs Data Security

Data Security Vs Data Privacy:

Clearly, data security is about protecting sensitive data. When data privacy and security begin to differ from who or where they protect data from. Data security focuses on preventing unauthorized access to data, by infringing or leaking, regardless of who the unauthorized person is.

To achieve this, organizations use tools and technologies such as security walls, user authentication, network restrictions, and internal security procedures to prevent such access. This includes security technologies such as tokens and encryption to further protect data.

Confidentiality, however, is concerned with ensuring that sensitive data is processed, stored, or transmitted information is an organization with the consent and permission of the owner of that sensitive data. This means informing people in advance.

Therefore, privacy is less about protecting data from malicious threats than about using it responsibly.

Data Privacy and Data Security: Real-time Examples

What Is Cybersecurity?

Let us look at a thought-provoking example. When you download a mobile app on your smartphone, you are probably asked to enter into a privacy agreement that you must agree to before installing it. From there, the app can also request access to certain information stored on your device, such as contacts, location data, or photos.

Once you decide to grant this application, you will be responsible for protecting your data and the privacy of that data, which is not always the case.

If, for example, the developer of that application turned around and sold information you provided to an outside company or marketing company without your consent, this could be a violation of your privacy.

If the app developer is likely to face a breach, disclosing your identity to cyber criminals, that could be another breach of your privacy, but it could also be a security breach. In both cases, the developer failed to protect your privacy.

Data Privacy and Security vs. Obedience

Now that you have a basic understanding of the difference between data privacy and security, let’s take a look at a few common rules designed to help provide individual storage guidelines and how to create a data protection environment.

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of rules for protecting sensitive credit card information and cardholder data. While concerned primarily with setting up security controls for the processing, storage, and transfer of payment data.

PCI DSS: Compliance Levels, Certification & Requirements

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an international standard for protecting the privacy of EU citizens. This law sets out important principles and definitions of whose data should be protected.

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a trademark of United States law that entitles organizations to process data on California citizens and their homes. Like the GDPR, it records what data is protected and provides information on the need to protect that data. All organizations carrying data from the people of California must comply with this policy.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) deals with the protection of critical patient health information throughout the U.S. This law is very complex because of the large amount and variety of healthcare data available.

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