What is an advanced phishing attack?
Phishing is a type of cyber-attack in which a hacker sends a fake email with a phishing link, which led you to a phishing website and asks you to log in, and if you accepted the bait and logged in then your credentials will be sent to the attacker.
Now the question is what is phishing email? , what is phishing link?
So to answer these questions let me introduce you to a tool called Nexphisher.
Nexphisher is an open-source phishing tool created by htr-tech. It is easy to operate the tool, so let’s see how to do a phishing attack.
How to do phishing?
Now we’re going to see how to do the attacks in nexphisher.
For Linux
- First, we need to install the tool from Github.
- For installing the tool go to the Github repository of the nexphisher.
- Fire up your terminal and write the following commands.
git clone
This command will download the nexphisher to your system.
cd nexphisher
to get into the directory of the nexphisher.
Then type
bash setup
to run the setup script this will install the tool in your pc.
Then type
bash nexphisher
this will run your tool.
Your screen will look like this

You can select from 30 website and clone any of them and make your own phishing website.
Then you have to select the port forwarding option
Select from 5 port forwarding option and then press enter.(Recommended Ngrok).
Your screen will look something like this.

Now send the link to victim and if they login to them you will be able to see the credentials.
For Smartphone
You can do this attack from your smartphone too you just have to install the termux app and follow the same steps as for Linux. Just a little change for smartphone always turn on your mobile hotspot before performing this attack .
Now day’s normal links may make the victim suspicious about the website.
So to deal with this issue we are going to learn few steps to make our link looks more trusting.
So to do this we are going to use a link shortener like bit.ly.
Just paste your link on the bit.ly link shortener and your link will look more trusting.
Now let’s assume the person you want to phish is aware of these phishing processes. Now we have to make our link look more secure. How to hide our phishing link?, Let’s see
Now we are going to mask our link with a fake link that will look legit
To do this we are going to use a tool called maskphish which is created by jaykali and is an open-source tool in Github.
git clone https://github.com/jaykali/maskphish
Then type
cd maskphish
to get into maskphish directory.
Then type
bash maskphish.sh
this will run your tool
Now paste your link there and make your custom link with some social engineering elements and then send it to the victim.
Now your screen will look like this.

Now that we have learned how to do phishing and how to mask links let’s see how to prevent phishing.
How to prevent phishing?
- Never click any link that you don’t trust.
- Never open any email from an untrusted source.
- Always verify where the link is taking you if you hover your mouse over the link it will show the real link behind the mask one.
- Be aware of these phishing techniques.
- Always be updated on the latest phishing trend following.